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9th International PhD Meeting in Economics 2025

July 10-11, 2025

The PhD students of the Department of Economics of the University of Macedonia organize the 9th International PhD Meeting in Economics, which will be held on July 10-11, 2025, at the University of Macedonia, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The aim is to offer an international meeting point where PhD students and young researchers could share ideas about their work in Economics and Finance, as well as to encourage academic collaboration among young economists. Submitted papers should focus on recent issues within all fields of Economics and Finance. Application may be submitted by PhD students and young researchers.

Invited Keynote Speakers

Dimitris Ballas

Dimitris Ballas
University of Groningen

Tran, Kien

Tran, Kien
University of Lethbridge

Past Keynote Speakers

Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee

Leonidas Ourgantzidis

Leonidas Ourgantzidis

Georgios Papapanagiotou

Georgios Papapanagiotou